Friday, February 6, 2009

haillie update...

-Our History Buff-
Haillie scored an incredible 99% on a tough History test about the Revelutionary War. She did so well that her test was placed on the bulletin board in front of the school.

Ok, not the best picture of her... I think it was my fault. I had asked her earlier that morning if I got dressed (meaning not wearing my pj's) could I walk her into school and take a picture of her by her award-winning test? She said sure, so I went and put some jeans and a sweatshirt on.
But when I got out of the car to walk with her, this was her comment with a bit of disgust, "Mom, I thought you said you'd get dressed?" I said, 'I did'. And then my daughter actually did a huffy breath at me. Apparently I need help in the fashion department... I told her I'd call Aunt Erica or Kristin to get some tips.
Another mounting problem... all of a sudden Haillie's hair is a static-fuzz mess all the time. Suggestions, please!!???!!!

-Scooby DOO-
Haillie took this pic last night as Jesse lounged on the couch (don't tell Trent). Doesn't he look a bit like that lovable great dane?

-Music Maker-
She had her first piano lesson yesterday and came home so excited. Loves her teacher and lOVEs to practice. I actually got to say that if she finished her homework quickly she'd have MORE time to practice. What a fun moment.

LOVE, love, LOVE this girl.

1 comment:

justin and jaime wimmer family said...

Hi guys. Haillie is getting so big. Her and Lyr are into the same things. I really wish they could get together more often.. Oh, and about the stactic. It is usually caused by dry hair. So maybe a good deep conditioner for awhile would help. Call us soon.